Well you know web sites dont make themselves (obviosly) but I just wanted to inform all of the viewers about the creator of What more is there to say. My name is xamarin. Yes its a real name, and no my parents didnt name me that, I thought if I came up with a name nobody heard of I would be distinctive and out of the ordinary. But the main purpose of this page is to let you people know how much work and effort went into this site, and a little about its creator, me. I love MetallicA. They are basically all I ever think of, besides updating this site.

        I always wanted to make a web site about something, I tried many things but this came out the best. I hope to expand this site by trying to add more pictures and some midis or real audio of some kind. I am constantly trying to update by looking for javascript and cgi/perl scripts. By the time I am completely finished, I hope to have a banner exchange and a top 50 metallica list with many other webmaster's sites. Also, I hope to have an e-mail service. Well, I hope you enjoy the site and please vote for me. Oh and also if you like the site or would like to submit any comments, please sign my guestbook or send me e-mail at  unforgivenmaster@draac.com


The Metallica Banner Exchange

The Metallica Banner Exchange